August 13, 2005

The day started out with a disappointing failure to stop the oil leak in the lawn tractor. As you can see I have a pretty big oil stain on the clean white paper I put down to detect leaks. It appears as though the gasket between the bottom of the engine and the body of the engine has failed. I hope I can put off this major repair until the weather turns cold and our use of this machine is reduced. So I bolted the eingine back onto the frame and got ready for a days work on the new storage building project. The picture below shows the trailer full of shrubs that we purchased to complete the landscaping. One rose bush went in this plating area on the east side of the property so we started with this before moving out to the new building.

The planting went quickly and then I spent the rest of the day digin up river rock from around the old shop foundation and moving it out here to the new building. As you can see the east side has one shrub and the rock tapers back towards the corner. I took a few minutes first thing this morning to apply the final coat of paint to the screen door so it is ready for screen and a latch tomorrow.

While I was moving rock Sandy was trimming evergreen shrubs that had nearly taken over the house garage driveway. So I also hauled the trimmings in between trips with the rock. I have a little bit of rock to haul to finish the NW corner.

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