
Normally graffiti and other forms of "tagging" would not warrant any sort of positive comment on my part. I do not condone it nor do I wish this page to be a form of encouragement to the practice, but there is something artistic about this expression that catches my eye. Perhaps it is a mile long train rolling by the closed gates on a street or highway and the only relief from the boredom of the moving cars is the occasional tag that is bright and colorful.

Rolling Stock Tags & Graffiti Gallery

This box car was parked on the Union Pacific line that runs north out of Mason City and crosses county highway B-20 a 1/4 mile east of US Highway 65. 08-2014

This box car was parked on the Union Pacific line that runs north out of Mason City and crosses county highway B-20 a 1/4 mile east of US Highway 65. 07-2014