
A trestle or bridge always amazes me. First there is the mass required to support the load, then the amazing engineering and construction that it took to produce the structure. But then also ask, when is a bridge or trestle more than a support structure to carry a railroad train across a river, stream, or canyon? The answer, in my opinion, is when you break down the details of the structure and see the beauty of the individual pieces that are often lost when veiwing the entire structure. This page is dedicated to both whole, as well as the sum of the parts.

Rolling Stock Tags & Graffiti Gallery

The Chicago Rock Island & Pacific (CRIP) trestle crosses the West Fork of the Des Moines River on the north side of the Central Avenue Bridge in Estherville, IA. This single track structure has an engraved date stone showing that it was constructed in 1884. This detail is only visible by following the river north and then west towards the raised bank. 10-2014

The Chicago Rock Island & Pacific (CRIP) trestle, constructed in 1884, is supported across the river valley with a steel structure that is in remarkable condition for its age. The hex nut on the bolt is over 6" in diameter and as solid as the day it was put in place. 10-2014