May 9, 2006

The update for today did not require much work on our part. We picked a lot of the rock and concrete chunks out of the dirt patch last night and knew that we were forecast for rain. As it turned out we got a half inch of rain and we were happy to note this morning that the slope of the dirt patch allows for good drainage. Of course the rain washed the rock clean showing much more gravel in the dirt, but we knew this and will allow the grass to fill in for now. We did have some puddles at the edge of the driveway and thought that we'd order the road gravel to correct this. As it turned out the contracotr who removed the concrete had remembered that we had discussed this so he ordered a truck load of rock and showed up late in the day to smooth it out. We did use a rake to clean up a few of the edges after he left, and as you can see in the picture below we now have a nice clean drive.

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