November 1, 2003

As you can see from the picture above I had a good day stripping steel from the west side of the machine shed. It was a cold day with the temperature not rising above 40 degrees. The heavy overcast skies didn't allow the sun to shine. The west sdie did not come off as easily as the east but I was able to strip and stack it all inside the machine shed as you can see below.

I quit work about 4:00 PM, which seemed like a waste of daylight but I was so cold and sore from climbing up and down the roof that I decided it was better to quit before I made a slip that would cause a fall. Tomorrow I hope to remove the 1 X 6 material from the rafters and then remove the rafters. The structure is starting to feel pretty weak so I want as much down as possible before the wind comes up and finishes the job in a manner that I don't like. The picture below is just for fun, I have always liked the patterns created by bare framing, even if it is old and being torn down.

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