October 13, 2003

The weather guessers forecast rain for this afternoon, then they backed off and said perhaps a sprinkle or two. Well regardless of the specifics I knew that staining was not going to happen. The weather did turn out to be rainy so my plan to stay inside the shop and work on the wiring was for the best. I needed to get a couple lights wired so that on dark days there is enough light to work. I also installed the lighting panel (small enclosure to the right of main panel) and hard wired the outside light and photeye. I also rewired the temporary outlet to the left of the panel using #12 wire instead of the lighter #14. This outlet will get some heavy use so I thought it best to beef it up a bit. We will not be working on the project tomorrow but will be back on Wednesday, hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can get more stain on the shop.

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